Supervisors and subordinates’ contribution to the administration of public secondary schools in Cross River State, Nigeria
Administration, Contribution, Education, Subordinates, SupervisorsAbstract
This study examined supervisors' and subordinates’ contributions to the management of public secondary schools in Cross River State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised 4,788 supervisors and subordinates from 292 public secondary schools in Cross River State. A sample size of 369 respondents was drawn from the entire population using the Taro Yamane minimum formula. The respondents were drawn for the study using stratified random sampling techniques. The instrument for the study was a questionnaire titled: Supervisors and Subordinates’ Participation in the Administration of Public Secondary Schools Questionnaire. The questionnaire was confirmed by the researchers’ supervisors along with three other specialists in Measurement and Evaluation at, the University of Port Harcourt. A reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using a z-test at a 0.05 level of significance. The results of the findings revealed that the ways supervisors and subordinates participate in decision-making in the administrations of public secondary schools in Cross River State, Nigeria include adoption of your suggestions for planning purposes, consultation on ways forward towards emerging administrative crises, and encouragement to share ideas for organizational goals attainment. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that supervisors saddled with supervisory roles should continue to engage their subordinates in decision-making to boost their contribution towards teamwork and effective public secondary school administration in the state.
Copyright (c) 2024 Esther Akpochenere Abetang, Gospel Gbarayor Kpee, Lesi Keagon
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