Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to AJTFS are assigned to the Chief Editor. The Chief Editor considers the manuscript's compliance with the journal's scope and manages the double-blind peer-review process.

Reviewers are an essential aspect of a scholarly publishing process. The peer-review process is used in AJTFS to validate scholarly work, improve published work quality, and increase research community networking. AJTFS adopted and applied a double-blind peer-review process.

Steps in the peer-review process

  1. Every paper received is first checked by the Editor-in-Chief or any assigned Editor to determine whether it is suitable for the journal’s scope and quality. The Editor also looks at the readability, structure, and grammar before considering it for the peer-review process.
  2. After the initial assessment by the Editor, the journal publishing administrator (editorial office) checks for plagiarism.
  3. Following the plagiarism check compliance, the paper is sent to two or three reviewers for appraisal. Reviewers send back the paper after the appraisal for further processing by the editorial office.
  4. Once the review process is completed, the Editor-in-Chief releases the reports through the editorial office to the author/s. The author/s are requested to respond to reviewers' comments and suggestions and to effect the necessary corrections. After the authors respond to the reviewers, the paper is resent to the editorial office for further appraisal and consideration.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief accepts, rejects, or returns the paper to the author to effect any minor alternations.
  6. If the paper is accepted, the author will be requested to submit the final revision of the paper. Before publication, Camera-Ready versions are sent to the authors for confirmation. No further editing will be allowed after confirmation.

The Editor-in-Chief (Editor) makes a decision based on the overall assessment and quality of the manuscript reviewers' recommendations. According to AJTFS policy, the Editor's decisions are made within two months from the day the manuscript was submitted. Authors remain with the manuscript's copyright, while AJTFS will be permitted to distribute it across different online (scholarly) databases.